Covid-19 Protocols Your Health and Safety are Our #1 Priority

Covid-19 Safety Protocols

VanEndo has been able to provide dental treatment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak by adhering to strict and prescribed safety guidelines by the provincial health authorities: British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP), BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), BC Provincial Infection Control Network (PICNet), and WorkSafeBC (WSBC).

The steps we are taking at VanEndo:

  • Pre-screening protocols and triage by telephone are provided for all patients prior to booking an appointment at VanEndo.
  • We will defer in-person assessment and treatment for patients who exhibit risk factors for COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19 during pre-screening until signs and symptoms have resolved.
  • All patient contact points (e.g. door handles, counters and all aspects of reception and treatment rooms) are routinely disinfected prior to and after each patient.
  • Our specialists and staff assess themselves daily for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entering the clinic.
  • We ensure no employees associated with the practice attend work when they have symptoms of illness.
SUrgical Air Purifier
Our clinic is equipped with five Surgically Clean Air Purifier units to provide for continuous air exchange and to filter the air through HEPA filters and Germicidal UVC+ light. The HEPA-RX filter removes >99.9% of airborne pathogens at 300 cfm.

Need root canal treatment during the pandemic?

At VanEndo, our endodontists always deliver the highest standard of care for our patients in a safe environment.

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